Monday, 8 August 2011

Note from The Cleaner:


So I started this team less than a week ago with no idea how broad and complex this issue really was. In my wildest dreams, I could have never imagined the types of emails I would receive and from whom I'd receive them.

At first, I wasn't quite sure if I would be wasting my time or even biting off more than I could chew. But all of my worries have faded away while my team's devotion to the case has strengthened. We didn't realize truly how many hearts have been broken and lives have been hurt by The Dirty. What's worse is that it seems to have stemmed from one man using his genius for something sinister rather than something positive.

We've been on the phone, attached to our MacBooks and mainlining coffee to keep up the momentum of it all. We started out simply planing an online support group for people that had been affected by The Dirty, but now we've turned into much, much more. And now, we've got a taste for it.

... so we've decided to add a new feature to the blog.

At the victim's request, we will now have a "My Side Of The Story" post once a month. This will give the person a chance to clear up any misrepresentation that may have occurred on The Dirty. We feel that along with helping the victims themselves, this will also give our readers a chance to connect with the people that are in the same situation and hopefully, give them strength to keep their chins up and move on with their lives.

I have to admit that in the midst of all the fuss, we've all been enjoying our incognito statuses. We feel like a team of secret agents. Maybe I'll get a cool black suit and a pair of shades...

Stay tuned,

Em xo


  1. Yeah.... I dont think you'll win your fight to take down the, It's already to powerful and this blog only started this month,... meaning while the has been up longer then 2008 last recalling...

  2. Um..? Are you kidding us all? Just because they just started doesn't mean they can't win. And haven't you read anything? They aren't just trying to shut it down they're trying to help people as well. God people can be so stupid sometimes..

  3. hahaha i really like that new picture! at first i was kinda thinking that this site was lame sauce but now its getting way better. thedirty is just getting too stupid and its all the same and this site is really cute!!!!!!!!!!!
